Thursday, July 7, 2011

Santa Fe Opera + 3 Volcanoes

This weekend I went on a quick day trip out to the three volcanoes in Albuquerque (they're a lot smaller than they look) and to Santa Fe with my parents to see La Boheme and walk around town.  First we went to the petroglyph park, but it was ridiculously hot and smoky outside, and kind of difficult to see the petroglyphs.  I had already seen them in Hawaii, but here is a picture of what we could see:

I think this is supposed to be people??  Anyway, I had to climb up pretty high to get this picture and my parents weren't interested in that, so we moved onto the volcanoes.  Now if you are ever in Albuquerque and you look out to the west, you can see what looks like 3 big hills, but the are dormant volcanoes, and they look a lot bigger from Albuquerque than up close:

View from one volcano to the next.

View of Albuquerque from the top of the southernmost volcano.  You can see how bad the smoke is!

The next day we went to Santa Fe.  We ran in to Ali McGraw, from Love Story at a clothes boutique.  My mom was starstruck but didn't ask for a picture, even though I tried to convince her.  My mom also spent $$$ on some turquoise, which is easy to do in Santa Fe.  Later that night we went to see La Boheme at the Santa Fe Opera.  It was really cold and raining as you can see from the picture:

Turtle Rock in Santa Fe

View from the opera in Santa Fe.

Anyway, it was neat to see the opera, and I enjoyed it very much.  I wish I had more time to go and see another, but at least it gives me a reason to visit Santa Fe another time!

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