Sunday, June 26, 2011

7 mile run...

Saturday morning, at 7 a.m., I ran 7 miles with the Albuquerque Fit running club.  We ran on the Kit Carson trail, close to the zoo, and it was miserable.  Not much shade, wide open spaces.  Needless to say, it was as much a mental challenge as it was a physical one.  I switched shoes for this run, maybe not the greatest idea to wear new shoes on such a long run, but I usually wear vibrams when running:

I really like them.  I feel like I'm running faster and more connected when I'm wearing these.  But, they have been giving me stress injuries on the longer runs.  Since it was 7 miles I decided to try something new:

They are saucony.  So far, so good.  Just a small blister, which isn't bad for wearing them for the first time on a 7 mile run.  Anything over 4 miles now will be in these babies. 

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