Friday, April 5, 2013


     If I'm being completely honest, I initially thought Montenegro was a city somewhere in Croatia or Slovenia. My geography of that part of Europe is not the best and this goes back to me needing to research the places I travel to a little more thoroughly. So imagine my surprise to see a customs checkpoint as I crossed from Croatia into Montenegro. After the quick check, I was shortly in Kotor, Montenegro. Kotor is on the Bay of Kotor and is in an extremely picturesque area. 

Kotor is best known for being a preserved medieval old town and a UNESCO world heritage site. The Cathedral of Saint Tryphon is worth the dollar or two to enter and walk around. I only had a few hours or I would have walked to to the top of the city, which I'm sure held stunning views. Something that stuck out to me was that there were cats everywhere. 

Like everywhere else in this area of the continent, beautiful views are all around.

A former home of royalty in Montenegro.
Taking the ferry back towards Croatia. 

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