Saturday, February 2, 2013

Holy Mackerel! Eneko Island

February and March being busy months, I am going to try and put in a few quick posts for posterity.  This first one, is a video that I took off the shore of the island Eneko, a tiny part of the Marshall Islands, connected to the larger island Majuro when the tide is down, but an island itself when the tide is up.  While snorkeling there, a huge school of mackerel swam up and didn't appear to be afraid of my friend and I swimming amongst them.  I apologize for the shaky video, I'm new to the camera and was floating in the waves which didn't help.  If you get too sea sick, I hope you at least get an idea of how many fish there were!  It was a little scary at first, but as you can probably see we became a little more used to it, and the fish certainly didn't mind us.